Stats Dashboard / 2023-Q3 / Ontario

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Complaints managed 2392
Received during the year 1502
Carried in from a prior year 890
Withdrawn prior to screening 35
Not screened yet 505
Conduct complaints managed 1581
Conduct complaints received in the year 1141
Conduct complaints received in a prior year 440
Conduct complaints screened during the year 1141
Conduct complaints screened IN during the year 438
Conduct complaints screened OUT during the year 703
Conduct complaints referred 868
Conduct complaints retained 10
Conduct complaints Unsubstantiated 173
Conduct complaints Substantiated 9
Conduct complaints withdrawn 87
Conduct complaints solved via Early Resolution 84
Conduct complaints carried over 498
Referred conduct complaints Unsubstantiated 172
Referred conduct complaints Substantiated 6
Referred conduct complaints closed under Section 72 27
Referred conduct complaints withdrawn 87
Referred conduct complaints solved via Early Resolution 84
Referred conduct complaints carried over 492
Retained conduct complaints Unsubstantiated 1
Retained conduct complaints Substantiated 3
Retained conduct complaints withdrawn 0
Retained conduct complaints solved via Early Resolution 0
Retained conduct complaints carried over 6
Service complaints managed 221
Service complaints received in the year 132
Service complaints received in a prior year 89
Service complaints screened during the year 132
Service complaints screened in 99
Service complaints screened out 33
Service complaints with an outcome of 'Action taken' 5
Service complaints with an outcome of 'No action taken' 29
Service complaints resolved via Early Resolution 15
Service complaints withdrawn 6
Service complaints carried over 5
Policy complaints managed 18
Policy complaints received in the year 13
Policy complaints received in a prior year 5
Policy complaints screened during the year 13
Policy complaints screened in 7
Policy complaints screened out 6
Policy complaints with an outcome of 'Action taken' 0
Policy complaints with an outcome of 'No action taken' 1
Policy complaints resolved via Early Resolution 0
Policy complaints withdrawn 6
Policy complaints carried over 5
Breach of Confidence allegations 9
Consumption of Drug/Alcohol Prejudicial to duty allegations 0
Corrupt Practice allegations 18
Damage to Clothing or Equipment allegations 0
Deceit allegations 16
Discreditable Conduct allegations 242
Insubordination allegations 14
Neglect of Duty allegations 209
Unlawful/Unnecessary Exercise of Authority allegations 143
Allegations Unsubstantiated 651
Allegations Substantiated 636
R4R Outcome - New investigation ordered 3
R4R Outcome - OIPRD takes over investigation 0
R4R Outcome - Chief's decision confirmed 29
R4R Outcome - Panel varied decision 0
R4Rs Carried over 3
R4Rs Unsubstantiated 24
R4Rs Substantiated 5