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Stats Dashboard / 2023 / Ontario
Print/Excel Version & Prior Year Comparison
CSPA statistics will be available soon
6167 complaints managed
5367 received during the year
800 carried in from a prior year
Conduct Complaints
- 103 complaints were withdrawn by the complainant prior to screening
Managed | 5077 |
Screened during the year | 4654 |
Screened in during a prior year | 423 |
Screened during the year | 4654 |
Screened in | 1702 |
Screened out | 2952 |
Conduct Screening
Referred or Retained
Outcome of Conduct Complaints
Outcomes | 1612 |
Unsubstantiated | 686 |
Substantiated | 64 |
Section 72 | 71 |
Withdrawn | 378 |
Early Resolution | 413 |
Carried over | 497 |
Outcomes | 12 |
Unsubstantiated | 7 |
Substantiated | 4 |
Section 72 | 0 |
Withdrawn | 1 |
Early Resolution | 0 |
Carried over | 4 |
Conduct Allegations & Findings
Allegation Type
Breach of Confidence | Consumption of Drug/Alcohol | Corrupt Practise | Damage to Clothing or Equipment | Deceit | Discreditable Conduct | Insubordination | Neglect of Duty | Unlawful/Unnecessary Exercise of Authority |
40 | 2 | 39 | 0 | 60 | 1117 | 50 | 894 | 652 |
Allegation Findings
Total | 2852 |
Unsubstantiated | 2720 |
Substantiated | 132 |
Requests for Review (R4R)
Managed | 228 |
New investigation ordered | 33 |
LECA takes over investigation | 0 |
Chief's decision confirmed | 148 |
Panel varied decision | 11 |
Carried over | 36 |
R4R Outcomes
Service Complaints under the Police Services Act
Managed | 533 |
Screened during the year | 419 |
Screened in during a prior year | 114 |
Screened during the year | 419 |
Screened in | 347 |
Screened out | 72 |
Outcomes | 392 |
Action taken | 87 |
No action taken | 156 |
Early Resolution | 22 |
Withdrawn | 127 |
Carried over | 69 |
Service Outcomes
Policy Complaints under the Police Services Act
Managed | 42 |
Screened during the year | 38 |
Screened in during a prior year | 4 |
Screened during the year | 38 |
Screened in | 29 |
Screened out | 9 |
Outcomes | 27 |
Action taken | 2 |
No action taken | 10 |
Early Resolution | 2 |
Withdrawn | 13 |
Carried over | 6 |
Policy Outcomes
Not Yet Screened
412 complaints were not yet screened at the time of reporting